Lake Erie Conservative

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Posts Tagged ‘IRS file’

… Brent Bozell is Right (IRSgate)…

Posted by paulfromwloh on Sunday,March 16th,2014

.. IRSgate is bigger than Watergate .

.. [h/t — Newsbusters]..

.. [link] to the blog post …

.. Much bigger …

.. Here is why …

.. when those groups applied for tax – exempt status , their information goes into a ” file . ” All of it . It is for official use only . Only for the judgement of whether the group deserves their non – profit tax status , or not . Just that . Nothing else .

.. it is abundantly clear that those files were used for non – official purposes [felony] . Most likely , several people connived together to put this act to together [conspiracy] . Other people have used IRS and other government assets to keep others from finding out official information [obstruction of justice , lying to congress , lying to federal agents , misconduct in office] ..

.. it matters whether it extends into the ObamaCrap White House . The damage from the above is bad enough . Were staffers or higher ups screwing around with this information [felony – IRS file] . This is serious …

.. we should expect more from the Infernal Revenue Service . It should be non – professional , and most certainly , non – political . People ‘ s most highly personal and financial information is on those tax returns . They deserve a fair judgement from professionals acting in a professional manner . They do not deserve people playing around with that stuff .

.. these groups have had their civil rights violated . Very much so . If things break the way that I believe , Chuck Grassely will be the new chairman of the Finance Committee in the Senate next year , once the GOP gets the majority . God in Heaven help the Service if they have been screwing around , and Grassely has caught them in the act . Chuck will dig and  dig to find out the truth . He will have the aid of Dave Camp (House Ways & Means Chairman) to aid in the digging .

.. god willing , they will find the truth …

Posted in personal opinion, stupidity (criminal), stupidity (political) | Tagged: , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

… Why Does Lois Lerner stay Silent ?? …

Posted by paulfromwloh on Sunday,March 16th,2014

.. it is not because that she is afraid of being prosecuted ..

.. there is an ObamaCrap crony who is in charge of the IRSgate investigation . Only shame by Congress will force that crony off of the dime , and force the ObamaCrap Department of InJustice to appoint someone more independent of the Administration . She is talking to them , but not to Congress … Why ??

.. it is …

So, Lois Lerner still won’t talk about her role in the illegal targeting and harassment by the IRS of conservative and Tea Party groups seeking 501(c)(4) tax exemptions. Lerner appeared for a second time Wednesday before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and claimed her Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate herself. It isn’t hard to figure out why Lerner’s lips are sealed.

First, she knows the House of Representatives can cite her for contempt of Congress, but Attorney General Eric Holder would decide whether she is prosecuted on that charge. Lerner need not worry since President Obama has already told the world there wasn’t “a smidgen of corruption” in the IRS actions, and Holder allowed a major Obama campaign contributor to have a role in Department of Justice‘s faux investigation of the scandal.

The second and far more revealing reason Lerner is being what the Mafia calls “a good soldier” is seen in the questions posed to her by Rep. Darrell Issa, the California Republican who chairs the oversight panel. For example, Issa noted that Lerner told a Duke University group in October 2010 that “everyone is up in arms” over the Supreme Court‘s Citizens United decision and that “the Federal Election Commission can’t do anything about it. They want the IRS to fix the problem.” Lerner refused to answer Issa’s request that she explain who was the “they” to which she referred or how they made clear their desire that the IRS “fix the problem.”

Similarly, Issa asked about her statement in a September 2010 email to subordinates in which she directed them to begin “a c4 project” and warned them that “we need to be cautious so it isn’t a per se political project.” Lerner refused to explain why she was worried that the project could be viewed as political. Then Issa asked her about a February 2011 email in which she said “Tea Party Matter very dangerous.” Lerner refused to say either what the Tea Party “matter” was or why she viewed it as “dangerous.”

Finally, Issa told Lerner that another IRS executive had told the oversight panel that she had ordered that Tea Party applications be subjected to a “multi-level review.” She refused to explain why she singled out Tea Party applications for such reviews.

These simple questions – each based on indisputable facts – establish that somebody outside of the IRS told her they wanted the tax agency to “fix” something involving groups seeking 501(c)(4) tax status, that she directed subordinates to begin a (c)(4) project she feared could be seen as “political,” that she viewed Tea Party groups as “dangerous,” and that she ordered that such groups be subjected to “multi-level review.”

Those are the four essential points of the IRS scandal : … Who ordered the tax agency to get involved, who in the tax agency responded, who they targeted and what actions they took. She cannot answer these questions because, as she herself has claimed, that would be incriminating. Lerner and others must hope Issa doesn’t already have the answers.

.. LEC — I would add in a fifth point — Why ?

.. LEC again here — God in Heaven help the Administration presuming the full truth comes out … if the ObamaCrap White House is involved , if it is even only at the staff level , it will do grave damage to the Obama Administration . As arrogant as these bastards and bitches are , I think that they were stupid enough to put it down on e – mail that orders came from highers – up , and who got the orders … and why …

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