Lake Erie Conservative

thoughtful discussion(s) about issue(s)

Posts Tagged ‘Kentucky’

… How Could the ObamaCraps be This Stupid [#EPA regs , #climate change]…

Posted by paulfromwloh on Wednesday,July 2nd,2014

.. I thought that they at least had some political acumen ..

.. at least where POTUS ‘ own behind was on the line , they had it right , so to speak . Not now , not these days …

.. [h/t — Newsmax]..
.. [link] to Dick Morris ‘ commentary ..

.. in added commentary to Dick ‘ s comments , commentator Rick Ungar is right . Basically , the ObamaCraps just signed Alison Lundergren Grimes ‘ political death warrant …

.. it is not as if Mitch McConnell is going to blow her out . Maybe , maybe not . But any chance that she had in the race is now gone ….

.. Coal is a big part of Kentucky ‘ s economy , from mining to manufacturing to electricity generation . McConnell will remind his constituents of that . There goes the whole ball of wax …

.. Kentucky is not the only state to be affected . West Virginia is even more so than Kentucky is . West Va Secretary of State Natalie Tennant had little chance against enormously popular Congresswoman Shelley Moore Capito , but that chance is also now gone …

.. also , Mark Begich ‘ s chances in Alaska took a heavy hit . Alakska is a coal – heavy state , and no state relies more on oil exploration and exploitation than Alaska does . The Dems can say goodbye to another Senate seat …

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… Not a Good Way to Start , Again [Kentucky US Senate] …

Posted by paulfromwloh on Saturday,June 14th,2014

.. evidently , Alison Lundergren Grimes did not get the memo .

.. nor did she take a lesson or two from Michelle Nunn ‘ s gaffe in her senate race in Georgia . I wonder if these idiots are reading from the same script makes them vulnerable to making the similar fumble …

.. [h/t — WashingtonFreeBeacon]..
.. [link] to the article …

.. spinning it the way she is is not going to cut it . She will have to answer the question , sooner or later . If not in a debate , a reporter ‘ s question , or an endorsement interview will bring it out . Using mealy – mouthed spin will get you cut down to size , fast …

.. [update] .. now she got caught pulling that dumb – dumb stunt with the European male model in a campaign ad — how stupid can you get — I am certain that McConnell and his staff will not let the voters forget it …

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… Spot On , Senator Paul …

Posted by paulfromwloh on Monday,October 7th,2013

.. I watched a clip of Senator Rand Paul [R-Ky] on Meet the DePressed , with one of NBC ‘ s non – resident twits trying to question

Official portrait of United States Senator (R-KY).

Official portrait of United States Senator (R-KY). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

him .

.. I am amazed when these idiots try to even think of trying to hold an intellectual candle to people like Sen. Paul . For God ‘ s Sake , he is a medical doctor , and an opthamologist at that . Then these fools think that they can question him ???

video link to the clip [here]

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… It is Amazing How Little People Remember about Our History …

Posted by paulfromwloh on Wednesday,September 4th,2013

… from PJMedia ‘ Tatler … (and FoxNews) …

High School ‘Art Project’ Asks Students to Stand on American Flag

Posted By Rick Moran

A high school art teacher recreated an exhibit by a revolutionary Communist from 1989 that has the entire town of Paducah, Kentucky, up in arms.

Fox News report:

Students at a Kentucky high school were encouraged to step on an American flag that had been placed on the floor as part of an art display, outraging parents and students.

The display at McCracken County High School, was a re-creation of “Dread” Scott Tyler’s 1989 installation titled “The Proper Way

... how disgusting and disgraceful is this ?!?! ...

… how disgusting and disgraceful is this ?!?! …

to Display an American Flag.”

A photograph shows a music stand on top of the flag that had been placed in a hallway, in a story first reported by Kathleen Fox, a reporter with The Paducah Sun.

As part of the art exhibit, students were encouraged to stand on the flag and write their reflections on how they felt standing on the flag.

Local residents filled social networking sites with their outrage over the flag desecration with many calling for the art teacher to be fired.

“The teacher should be fired and run out of town,” wrote one outraged Paducah resident. “I have a son serving to protect this flag at this very moment.”

“It is a sad day when the symbol of this great nation is relegated to occupy the floor,” a reader wrote. “It is a truly sorrowful day when the one who placed it there has the nerve to ask, ‘How does it make you feel?’”

“I doubt this teacher intended the disrespect her art project exhibited,” one reader wrote. “But nonetheless, it was really a despicable assignment.”

Art teacher Shand Stamper has since apologized for the controversial art display – telling The Paducah Sun that it was not a specifically assigned project. The newspaper reported she sent a written letter of apology to school administrators.

“I love our flag and the nation it stands for. I love the freedom I enjoy because of our brave veterans. I feel sick and deeply sad that through my actions I have dishonored these men and women and also poorly represented you all,” she wrote in a letter obtained by the newspaper. “(To say) I am devastated by my actions bringing outrage and negativity on you is a gross understatement.”

It turns out that this exhibit is rather famous — in some artistic quarters. Dread Scott Tyler, a self-described revolutionary Communist, created it when he was a student at the Art Institute of Chicago. What deep thoughts attended this artistic gem?

I made some forays and experiments into installation work for audience participation because I wanted to do artwork people couldn’t just dismiss the politics of. Whether they liked it or didn’t like it, whether they agreed with me or didn’t agree with me, I wanted them to have some engagement with the work. So even if they thought, “this guy’s a real assh*le and he has no clue what he’s talking about,” I wanted them to be very much bound up with saying, “this guy’s a real assh*le and he has no clue what he’s talking about.” And have that be part of the work. I started doing these works that had photo montages on the walls, and encouraged people to take a copy and explain why they chose to take it in the book below. So it was this participatory piece. I started doing these, and I kind of thought they were successful.

Yes, Mr. Tyler. You’re a real assh*le and don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.

Mr. Tyler’s masterpiece was condemned by President George H.W. Bush, who called it “disgraceful” on the floor of the Senate. And it became the catalyst for flag-desecration legislation. All this must have been heady stuff for a 24-year-old commie.

So why did this execrable display make a re-appearance in Paducah, Kentucky? The teacher’s excuse — that it wasn’t “a specifically assigned project” — could mean anything. If she was trying to say something about freedom of speech, she could have easily chosen a less controversial, less outrageous example. Indeed, Mr. Tyler may be a commie, the teacher may be a dolt, the school principle may have a hole in his head — but that doesn’t negate the fact that the display is a form of speech and therefore protected by the U.S. Constitution.

And then Principal Michael Ceglinski filled the hole in his head and did something outstanding:

Administrators held a ceremonial flag retiring ceremony for the American Flag at the center of controversy at the McCracken County High School. It caught the attention of two students who taped an arts project Monday. It also caught the attention of James Courtney, a Vietnam Veteran.

“I wanted to be sure it was done right,” he said.

He joined a handful of other veterans outside the school. Courtney says he was appalled to learn the flag he fought for would end up on the ground. “Anything that happens to the flag, that’s not right, a piece of you is with it,” Courtney said.

Principal Michael Ceglinski says it’s important for students to know one of the ways to properly retire the flag. “Turn something positive into it by the learning experience of our kids,” he said.

The flag was cut and grouped by color – then placed in a burn barrel. Ceglinski said he hopes parents and students understand the school is doing the right thing. “We wanted to make sure that we ended this in the right way. It obviously got started on the wrong foot,” he said.

Free speech is a very dangerous thing. It has toppled dictators, ended oppression, stopped wars, and inspired entire populations. It also makes fools out of art teachers and school administrators.

At least in this case, all’s well that ends well.

LEC again — how short are our memories . I remember when this was first done in the late 1980s . Man , was there one hell of an uproar over the desecration of the flag . There are many ways to display it . Descecrating it on the floor is definitely NOT one of them .

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… And , Thus , It Continues … [Gay Marriage offensive]

Posted by paulfromwloh on Sunday,August 11th,2013

.. the Supreme Court liberals had to know that they were opening Pandora ‘ s Box when they made the ruling that they did in the so – called “gay marriage” case , U.S. v Windsor . They knew it , all right . They did it anyway .

.. Even with that ruling (and the companion ruling , in Hollingsworth v Perry) , the liberals had to know that it would open a whole new world of legal radical judicial action on the behalf of gay rights . Cases would be brought straight away , in the states where “gay marriage” was banned , either by law , or by constitutional amendment , in order to work to overturn them by pinning them back against the Supreme Court ruling , and their precedents . Even though those precedents left the cases in the purview of state ‘ s rights , and in the state courts . In a significant number of those cases , the state judiciary is much more liberal than the body politic , and can use the conservative ‘ s respect for the judicial branch against it .

.. Also , there would be actions to take the offensive from states that do possses gay marriage , or civil unions , and then get married . Those couples would then return home to their own states , and force them (via legal action) to seek recognition via court ruling . It could be done in state court , however , such a case as this would be better done via the federal courts .
Also , these couples would seek spousal benefits , as if they were a “normal” married couple , and use the same route to push the offensive to push or force recognition .

.. Gay Marriage forces have won an important victory . It is important for conservatives , no matter what their stripe , to counterattack , and strike back . It does not mean that “gay marriage” has to be re – banned . Far from it . The target is the judiciary . Both at the state level , and locally . Most of all , at the federal level . The federal judiciary should be reminded , by law , by removing these cases , by limitation of the judiciary ‘ s ability to hear these cases , as is available under the U.S. Constitution . Impeachment itself should also be considered . The people ‘ s house should act to remind the judges that they are not higher than thou . They are also a co – equal branch of government , and with the Senate (and , eventually , the Presidency) , the other 2 branches will hold the third branch to account for its actions and its misconduct . Also , the number of judicial seats and their distribution should be altered . As the excess number of judges leaves active service , the authorized number of judges will drop , and more conservatives can be added . The new seats in other ciruits can add newer , more conservative judges , and develop a much more conservative tilt to their philosophy and their rulings . Also , the 9th Federal Circuit should be broken up . The 9th Circuit should be limited to the state of California , only . Ergo , a new appeallate circuit can be created , and then become , almost immediately , a conservative bastion .

.. This article from yahoo snooze is a apt example of the front that has been opened in the offensive ….

Gay couple seeks spousal privilege protection in Kentucky murder trial




Tim Ghianni7 hours ago


By Tim Ghianni

NASHVILLE, Tennessee (Reuters) – A legal debate over whether one member of a same-sex couple has spousal privilege that would shield her from testifying against her partner is at the heart of a capital murder case in politically conservative Kentucky.

Geneva Case, 49, does not want to testify in a Louisville court against her partner, Bobbie Jo Clary, 37, who is accused of beating George Murphy, 64, to death with a hammer in 2011 and then stealing his van.

Prosecutors say Case must testify because of her value as a witness, since she heard Clary admit to the slaying and also saw blood on the interior of the victim’s van after the killing.

Clary says Murphy used a hammer to sexually assault her, and she defended herself by hitting him over the head.

Clary is also charged with tampering with evidence to cover up the crime. If convicted, Clary could face the death penalty.

Under Kentucky law, a person cannot be called to testify against his or her spouse. Most states have a similar type of law.

But Kentucky is not among the 13 states that have legalized gay marriage. In 2004, it amended the state constitution to define marriage as being a union between a man and a woman.

Susan Sommer, an attorney for Lambda Legal, a national legal organization for the protection of gay rights, said she was not familiar with the details of the Kentucky case, but Lambda believes gay couples should have the same legal protections as other married people.

“Spousal privilege is one part of the tremendous bundle of protections for a committed couple that come automatically with marriage,” Sommer said.

Case and Clary were joined in a civil union in 2004 in Vermont. Vermont first allowed civil unions in 2000, but did not legalize same-sex marriage until 2009.

“Kentucky’s marital privilege law does not give Ms. Case the right not to testify in a murder trial,” said Stacy Greive, assistant commonwealth attorney for Jefferson County. “And the reason marital privilege does not apply to Ms. Case in her relationship with the defendant is because it is our opinion and our belief that they do not have a marriage that is recognized under Kentucky law.”

Greive argues that not only is the union not recognized in Kentucky, but the couple has not presented proof they have a valid marriage under Vermont law. “They have a civil union, if you look at Vermont’s statutes, they distinguish between civil unions and marriage,” she said.


Both Clary’s attorney, Angela Elleman, and Case’s attorney, Bryan Gatewood, said the Kentucky marriage amendment is unconstitutional and the pair should be treated like any other married couple.

The attorneys also say they are cautiously optimistic that this case will lead to the amendment being held as unconstitutional, setting a precedent for change nationwide.

In light of recent U.S. Supreme Court rulings on gay marriage, “the climate is right” for the Kentucky amendment to be thrown out, Elleman said.

The high court in June forced the federal government to recognize same-sex marriages in states where it is legal and paved the way for it in California, the most populous state. The court struck down a section of the federal Defense of Marriage Act, limiting the definition of marriage as between a man and a woman for the purpose of federal benefits, as a violation of the U.S. Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection under the law.

“I believe the handwriting is already on the wall,” Gatewood said. He believes the Kentucky attorney general’s office, which says it is reviewing the case, will find that the state law is unconstitutional under the same reasoning.

Elleman said it makes no sense to her that Kentucky does not recognize legal unions of same-sex partners but does recognize common-law marriages from other states.

She also pointed to the personal toll on the couple. “The commonwealth is seeking to call her wife as a witness against her, which obviously would cause irreparable harm to their relationship,” Elleman said.

Case called the situation “very stressful” in an interview on WHAS-TV in Louisville. “I wish she could come home,” Case said of Clary. “There’s nothing we can do right now, though.”

Elleman said she is confident her client will be acquitted, “whether her wife will testify or not.”

Clary is being held on $75,000 bond.

The trial is set for August 30. Jefferson County Judge Susan Schultz Gibson is expected to rule on the spousal privilege issue later this month.

Lambda’s Sommer represented a woman in a criminal case in Maryland about two years ago who was asked to testify against her spouse.

In that case, which was not a homicide, the prosecutor opposed the use of spousal privilege since Maryland did not yet have gay marriage. The couple had married in another state. The judge in that case ruled that the woman did not have to testify against her spouse.

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