Lake Erie Conservative

thoughtful discussion(s) about issue(s)

Posts Tagged ‘truth’

… Why is POTUS not being Honest With Us ?? [#I.S.I.L. // Iraq]…

Posted by paulfromwloh on Friday,December 9th,2016

.. simple , actually …

.. right now , as the ObamaCraps see it , Iraq is George W. Bush ‘ s mess . The Obama crowd is the clean – up detail ..

.. [h/t —]..
.. [link] to the news article …

.. the ObamaCraps do not understand that , once January 20th , 2009 came around , it became His Lordship ‘ s responsibility . Morally , politically , militarily , and in all respects …. Whether he likes it or not …

.. it is also more than that ….

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… You Know You have a Serious Problem [#Miz Hillary]…

Posted by paulfromwloh on Thursday,August 11th,2016

.. if Bob Woodward [of the Washington ComPost] is getting on your case ..

.. Woodward , unlike his old partner [Carl Bernstein] is still a working reporter . He is also a senior editor [a managing editor] at the ComPost , as well …

.. the big thing now is that Woodward is comparing Miz Hillary ‘ s antics to Nixon ‘ s with the audiotapes in Watergate , thus calling them ” Nixonian . ”

.. [h/t —]..
.. [link] to the blog post // video clip ..

.. if you get Woodward on your case , you are in very deep trouble . he is still a working reporter , which gives him a certain cache in the media . He may well decide to take up Miz Hillary ‘ s case in the subject , thus subjecting her to much more pressure . It comes from knowing that he is on the hunt , and could break new reportage at any time …

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… The Coin of the Realm is Trust [#governance]…

Posted by paulfromwloh on Monday,August 8th,2016

.. and the ObamaCraps have pissed it all away , in a very big way …

.. we generally trust government to do what is right . At the least , we are owed the truth by our government …

.. [h/t —]..
.. [link] to the blog news // video comments ..

.. the bigger the project , the more importance honesty and truth really is .

.. The revelations of the Gruber videos , coupled with the actions of the ObamaCraps in general [the lies about the sale of ObamaCrapCare] have badly damaged , if not destroyed , the credibility of our government in general , and the ObamaCrap Administration in particular …

.. it will be very difficult for the ObamaCraps to marshall public support for anything during the remainder of the term . Most of all , their credibility is totally shot …

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… Pam Geller is Right ; the U.K. is wrong …

Posted by paulfromwloh on Monday,April 28th,2014

.. Pam Geller is one of the finest people around .

.. there are fewer than I can think of that have more spark and more courage and drive than she does . I can think of very few people that are more blunt and on point than she is …

.. see her latest column that she submitted for WorldNetDaily , and you will see why …

.. [h/t — PamelaGeller]..
.. [link] to the column ..

.. the text of the column ..

The first-year anniversary of the Boston Marathon jihad bombing was marked by a notable and predictable absence.

All the observances, commemorations and coverage studiously avoided mentioning why the attack happened in the first place: There was no mention of jihad. In all of the pomp, tribute, memorials and wall-to-wall coverage of this terrible anniversary, everyone from President Obama on down had a lot to say. A lot of nothing.

A lot of meaningless rhetoric and feel-good nonsense. Three people were murdered and more than 250 were wounded, many maimed for life – and on the first anniversary, the New York Times ran sympathy propaganda commiserating not with the victims, but with the jihad filth Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

An article headlined, “Marathon Bombing Suspect Waits in Isolation,” began this way: “He cannot mingle, speak or pray with other prisoners. His only visitors are his legal team, a mental health consultant and his immediate family, who apparently have seen him only rarely.” This holy warrior should have been sentenced to death by a military tribunal. This is moral inversion. Sick and depraved, the New York Times has sunk to an altogether new low. Is it any wonder that its circulation is in the tank and sinking fast? These creeps deserve to go out of business.

The restrictions on the movements of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev are designated for those who pose the greatest threat to others. But the New York Times pooh-poohs that, because “there is little of substance to suggest that Mr. Tsarnaev, 20, and his brother Tamerlan were anything but isolated, homegrown terrorists.” So what? What difference does it make if they were waging jihad alone or with a group?

They blew up the Boston Marathon, targeting thousands of families. They are part of the global jihad. The New York Times has really gone over to the dark side. And it is not alone. The city of Boston paid “solemn tribute” last Tuesday to the victims of the bombing. But as is shown by the cancellation of an honorary degree that was to be awarded to Ayaan Hirsi Ali at Brandeis, one of the city’s leading universities, as well as by the city’s refusal to run the counter-jihad ads of my organization, the American Freedom Defense Initiative, or AFDI, Boston has not yet faced the full reality of what happened there on April 15, 2013.

President Obama said at the “solemn tribute”: “One year later, we also stand in awe of the men and women who continue to inspire us.” Standing in awe of innocent people who were casualties in a jihad attack is meaningless. Neither he nor anyone else said anything about the ideology that motivates this global war against freedom. And his vice president rivaled Obama’s empty rhetoric. Joe Biden said: “We are America, we own the finish line.” What does that even mean? Hey Biden, they bombed the finish line. And even worse than that, Biden told survivors of the bombing that “it was worth it.” He said: “Even though I’m not a Boston fan, I love you guys, man.”

Not a Boston fan? People were killed, and he is talking about sports? And then he added, “My God, you have survived and you have soared. … it was worth it. I mean this sincerely, just to hear each of you speak.” America elected this clown and his jihadophilic boss.

Imagine if a Republican ever uttered such words. But it’s a Democrat, so the enemedia don’t even cover it. They don’t have a single word to say about it. But worse than that is the fact that even after people are blown to bits on an American city street, we still refuse to discuss the identity, motives and goals of the enemy. We are farther back now than we were before Sept. 11. Every time I hear “Boston Strong,” I cringe. Sorry, but this defeatism and fear is anything but strong. Refusal to name the enemy is anything but strong. Not daring to speak its name is not strong. It’s surrender.

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