Lake Erie Conservative

thoughtful discussion(s) about issue(s)

… Earth to America [#DACA is illegal]…

Posted by paulfromwloh on Sunday,June 22nd,2014

.. you heared me right : it is illegal .

.. first , it is not a law , one that is passed by Congress . It is not that at all . It is an Executive Action , taken by His Lordship . He started it back in 2012 , I believe . He has now renewed it for another two years , until 2016 ..

.. [h/t — Newsmax]..
.. [link] to the blog post ..

.. second , it was challenged by the union for the Border Patrol agents . No , they do not like it one bit . They are a bit of a more conservative lot than most , even more so than many GOPers . However , they are union guys , but they hated D.A.C.A. . Most all of the common everyday Border Patrol agents are not in favour of D.A.C.A. . Not at all …

.. Third , they challenged it in court . The case is more well known as Crane v. Napolitano . It was a legal ruling out of the central district of Texas . I am not sure on the philosophical leanings of the judge , but he was very harsh in his condemnation of the government in its conduct . Most of all , he ripped into the President for failing to uphold the law …

.. Currently , the case is at the Appeals level , the Fifth Circuit . It is one of the few (right now ) that is solidly in conservative hands , and has few spaces for liberal monkeyshines . So , eventually , I would look for Crane to be upheld . Then what happens …

.. The ObamaCraps have to appeal Crane , otherwise D.A.C.A. is dead . Then , it is bye – bye time for a hell of a lot of people . It may not be what I want to see . It is , however , the law . POTUS is failing to do its job …

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