Lake Erie Conservative

thoughtful discussion(s) about issue(s)

… Take a Scalpel to the Tax Code …

Posted by paulfromwloh on Wednesday,July 10th,2013

..and to the Infernal Revenue Service .

.. Yea , I call it the Infernal Revenue Service . What do you expect for a C.P.A. , who has practiced before those numb-nuts .

.. There is a use for them . I admire the advocates of the FAIR tax , but in terms of public policy and planning , I am not as wild in favour of it as you might think . I am much more in favour of a single – rate , or flat – rate , income tax .

.. With that , I also think that we should take a scalpel to the I.R.S. , not just the tax code . Having the I.R.S. manage ObamaCrapCare ? People have to be totally crazy to think that , much less actually do it . And the DemoCraps in Congress in 2010 actually did it . Amazingly enough . And , they did it without any Republican votes . Not one .

.. The recent scandal of the targeting of conservative and Tea Party and religious organizations just drives home the point . These people were just trying to organize themselves , and avail themselves of the opportunities that are available under the law . Yet , they were singled out for their views and their beliefs . Their rights were violated . Most likely , higher – ups at the I.R.S. were , most definitely involved in it . That much is certain .

.. As of now , the ObamaCrap White House has not been found to be complicit in this affair . Not as of yet . Yet , I believe that , directly or indirectly , the I.R.S. took its marching orders from the ObamaCraps . Considering how heavily DemoCraptic the I.R.S. workforce is , in terms of their campaign contributions , and their votes , that is no surprise . These people are supposed to be “non-partisan.” Yet , these numb-nuts act in such a partisan manner .

.. let us go to the “Chop Shop , ” and chop away !!

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