Lake Erie Conservative

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Posts Tagged ‘voting precinct’

… I Have Heard of ” El Cheapo , ” but .. [#AZ][#Maricopa County][#polling station]…

Posted by paulfromwloh on Sunday,April 3rd,2016

. there is being cheap , and then there is …

.. this is [was] insane ..

.. I will use my home state of Ohio as an example . Also , my home county OF Cuyahoga County . Ohio and Arizona are roughly the same size . However , Ohio has 88 counties , while Arizona has only 15 . Just 15 . so , Arizona ‘ s counties are far larger than Ohio ‘ s ..

.. [h/t — Rare.US]..
.. [link] to the blog post …

.. my home county [Cuyahoga County , in Ohio] is 1,250 square miles , but about 65% of that is water [Lake Erie] . Maricopa County [Arizona] , which had all of these problems , has nearly 8,400 square miles . Maricopa has 3 cities [ ] that are of 500,000 people or more , and Phoenix [the state capital , and also the county seat] is nearly 2.5 million people . Phoenix , for example , is eventally going to pass Chicago as our country ‘ s 3rd largest city . That is , if Las Vegas does not catch and pass them first ..

.. in Cuyahoga County , we have about 1,600 voting precints . Yup , the whole county . Each one has a voting station of its very own . I have worked the polls a number of times , so I know that very , very well . Yet some idiot thought that it would be a great idea for Maricopa County to go down from 200 polling stations to just 60 stations ..

.. Just 60 polling stations . How incredibly stupid was that move ..

.. the Feds and the State of Arizona are going to be tripping over themselves to investigate this mess . I don’t blame them , for once . I would trust the state , though , far more than the FEds . Remember the OCs , and the legal poisoning of the Department of InJustice ..

.. you folks need more polling stations in Maricopa County . One whole hell of a lot more . 60 polling stations for a county of roughly [4.2] million people over a land area of about 9,200 sq miles . Un – uh ..


.. [p.s.] — when it comes to law enforcement , at LEAST give ” Sheriff joe ” Arpaio a break . Given how damn big Maricopa County really is , he has a lot to do ..

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