Lake Erie Conservative

thoughtful discussion(s) about issue(s)

… It is called basic Economics , Dummies ?!?! …

Posted by paulfromwloh on Tuesday,April 2nd,2013

.. I read a fascinating column by Michael Barone (the Washington Examiner) earlier today , and it goes over the differences between passenger rail and freight rail in our fair land .. guess what the verdict was ?? ..

.. As you might expect , passenger rail flunks . Royally . Which makes me wonder . Why does not private passenger rate re – start ? Especially attached to regular routes run by freight trains ? Well , maybe not . But , these geniuses could and should find a way to spin off Amtrak . What a mess ! ..

.. As a difference , freight rail has been deregulated , faces stiff competition , by multiple modes of transportation , it co – operates with these same modes , makes oodles of money , and invests beaucoup $$ in capital upgrades , every year ..

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